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Παρασκευή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Robert De Niro


Το όνομα αυτό είναι γνωστό, ακόμη και στους ανθρώπους με τη μικρότερη σχέση με τον κινηματογράφο. Ποιος είναι όμως ο Robert De Niro, ο ηθοποιός που έχει κατακτήσει τον τίτλο του σημαντικότερου ηθοποιού της γενιάς του; Ο Robert De Niro Jr. γεννήθηκε μέσα σε μια οικογένεια καλλιτεχνών στις 17 Αυγούστου 1943. Η μητέρα του Virginia Admiral, ήταν ζωγράφος και ο πατέρας του Robert ήταν ζωγράφος, γλύπτης και ποιητής. Μετά το χωρισμό των γονιών του μεγάλωσε με μεγάλη ελευθερία, αλλά τον βασάνιζε η μοναξιά. Στη γειτονιά του, επειδή ήταν κοκαλιάρης και χλωμός, του είχαν δώσει το παρατσούκλι 'Bobby Milk'.
Στα δέκα του έπαιξε τον πρώτο του ρόλο στο σχολείο, ένα ρόλο που του πήγαινε γάντι: το ντροπαλό λιοντάρι στο μάγο του Οζ. Την υποκριτική ξαναθυμήθηκε στα 16 όταν περιόδευσε σαν μέλος θιάσου με το έργο 'The Bear' του Τσέχοφ. Για τα επόμενα 15 χρόνια δοκιμάστηκε σε πολλά μικρά και περιφερειακά θέατρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα μελετούσε - όπως όλοι οι πετυχημένοι της γενιάς του - με τη Stella Adler και τον Lee Strasberg.
Η πρώτη επαφή με τη μεγάλη οθόνη έγινε το 1963 υπό την καθοδήγηση του - νέου τότε - σκηνοθέτη Brian De Palma, στην ταινία «The Wedding Party», η οποία προβλήθηκε τελικά το 1969 και δεν σημείωσε επιτυχία. Μετά από μια σειρά κακών επιλογών, ήρθε και η πρώτη του - σχετική - επιτυχία το '73 με το «Bang the Drum Slowly», στο ρόλο του άρρωστου παίκτη του baseball Bruce Pearson. Αυτή η ερμηνεία, του έφερε την αναγνώριση και το βραβείο καλύτερου ηθοποιού από την ένωση κριτικών Νέας Υόρκης.
Την ίδια χρονιά ο De Niro συναντήθηκε με τον Martin Scorsese στο «Mean Streets», ξεκινώντας μια άριστη συνεργασία που μέχρι σήμερα έχει δώσει οκτώ σπουδαία φιλμ. Το 1974 έκανε το μεγάλο βήμα περνώντας στη σφαίρα των superstar. Σε αυτό τον βοήθησε ο Francis Ford Coppola και φυσικά η συμμετοχή του στο «The Godfather, Part II» στο ρόλο του νεαρού Vito Corleone. Για τις ανάγκες του ρόλου έζησε για τέσσερις μήνες στην Σικελία, μαθαίνοντας την δύσκολη τοπική διάλεκτο. Οι κόποι του απέδωσαν φέρνοντάς του το Oscar Β' Ανδρικού ρόλου.
Η επόμενη συνεργασία του με τον Martin Scorsese ήταν το 1976 στο «Taxi Driver», οπότε και ο De Niro μπήκε στο πετσί του ρόλου δουλεύοντας εξουθενωτικά 12ωρα οδηγώντας ταξί για έναν ολόκληρο μήνα και μελετώντας σχετικές περιπτώσεις ατόμων με ψυχολογικά προβλήματα. Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν μια από τις πιο εμβληματικές ερμηνείες της δεκαετίας και μια υποψηφιότητα για Oscar A' Ανδρικού ρόλου.
Δύο χρόνια μετά το όνομά του συζητείται για την συγκλονιστική ερμηνεία του στο «The Deer Hunter» (Ο Ελαφοκυνηγός) του Michael Cimino, όπου ο De Niro υποδύθηκε έναν άνθρωπο που οι εμπειρίες στον πόλεμο του Βιετνάμ, άλλαξαν τη ζωή του. Ήταν και πάλι υποψήφιος για Oscar Α' Ανδρικού, όμως το βραβείο τελικά ήρθε το 1981 για την ταινία «Raging Bull» και πάλι υπό τον Socrsese, όπου και πάλι έδωσε ψυχή και σώμα στην προετοιμασία για το ρόλο του.
Για να αποφύγει την τυποποίηση αρχίζει να διευρύνει τις επιλογές του σε διάφορα κινηματογραφικά είδη: δράση, κωμωδία, δράμα. Ανάμεσά τους τα «The Mission», «Goodfellas» ξανά με τον Scorsese, «Awakenings» (υποψήφιος για Oscar Α' Ανδρικού ρόλου) και «Cape Fear» (ξανά υποψήφιος για Oscar Α' Ανδρικού ρόλου). Το 1987 συναντήθηκε και πάλι με τον Brian De Palma, στο εξαιρετικό «The Untouchables» ερμηνεύοντας τον θρυλικό Al Capone. Στις αρχές των 90's ο Robert De Niro έκανε το πέρασμα, δημιουργώντας την δική του εταιρία παραγωγής με το όνομα Tribeca Film Center. Το εγχείρημά του αυτό ίσως τον οδήγησε στην επιλογή ρόλων σε όχι και τόσο σημαντικές ταινίες την ίδια εποχή, όπως τα φιλμ «WeΑre No Angels», «Mary Shelley's Frankenstein» και το «The Fan».
Παρόλα αυτά η καλλιτεχνική του αξία ποτέ δεν αμφισβητήθηκε και ο ίδιος επανέκαμψε αργότερα με ενδιαφέρουσες ταινίες όπως τα «Heat» (δίπλα στον Al Pacino) και «Casino». Στις ταινίες «Sleepers», «Great Expectations» και «Marvin's Room» έδειξε ότι μπορεί να αποδώσει και χαρακτήρες πιο χαμηλών τόνων, ενώ στα φιλμ «Jackie Brown», «Wag the Dog» αλλά και τα «Analyze This» και «Meet The Parents» (με τα sequel τους) έδειξε και τις κωμικές του ικανότητες, κρατώντας όμως στοιχεία από τους παλιούς καλούς σκληροτράχηλους ήρωές του.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια τον είδαμε και πάλι σε ρόλους που του είναι γνώριμοι. Ληστής τραπεζών στο «The Score» (2001), βασανισμένος αστυνομικός στο «City By The Sea» (2002) και πάλι αστυνομικός στα «Fifteen Minutes» και «Showtime». Μετά το αποτυχημένο «The Bridge Of San Luis Rey» (2004) επέστρεψε σκηνοθετώντας το κατασκοπικό «The Good Shepherd» (2006) κρατώντας και ένα ρόλο για τον εαυτό του. Μικρό ρόλο επέλεξε και στο «Stardust» την κινηματογραφική μεταφορά του βιβλίου του Neil Gaiman.
Αυτό όμως που όλοι περίμεναν με ενδιαφέρον είναι η συνεργασία του με τον Al Pacino (σε ρόλους αστυνομικών ντετέκτιβ) στο «Righteous Kill» του Jon Avnet. Σε ό,τι αφορά τα προσεχή του σχέδια ξεχωρίζει η συμμετοχή του στο «What Just Happened?» του Barry Levinson ενώ έχει ήδη συμφωνήσει με τον Michael Mann για τον πρώτο ρόλο στο «Frankie Machine» που θα δούμε πιθανότατα το 2010. Στο μεταξύ έχει δεσμευτεί για ρόλους στο «Everybody's Fine» του Kirk Jones και στο «Street of Dreams» του Raymond De Felitta.
Ο Robert De Niro αποδεικνύεται υπερ-προστατευτικός σε ότι αφορά την προσωπική του ζωή. Δίνει ελάχιστες συνεντεύξεις, ενώ πάντοτε αποκλείει εκ των προτέρων κάθε αναφορά στην προσωπική του ζωή. Για το λόγο αυτό είναι από τους αγαπημένους των σκανδαλοθηρικών περιοδικών, αφού δεν διαψεύδει τα δημοσιεύματά τους και δεν απαντά στις προκλήσεις τους. Έχει κάνει δύο γάμους: ο 1976 με την ηθοποιό και τραγουδίστρια Diahnne Addott (χώρισαν το 1988) και το 1997 ο De Niro παντρεύτηκε με την πρώην αεροσυνοδό Grace Hightower.
Το 2003 προκάλεσε συγκίνηση στην κοινή γνώμη η ανακοίνωσή του ότι πάσχει από καρκίνο του προστάτη. Πάλεψε με την ασθένεια και κατάφερε πλήρη θεραπεία, επιστρέφοντας πιο δυνατός. Τον Ιούνιο του 2006, ο De Niro δώρισε όλο το κινηματογραφικό του αρχείο, στο οποίο περιλαμβάνονται σενάρια και κουστούμια, στο Harry Ransom Center του πανεπιστημίου του Τέξας.
Έχοντας μόλις περάσει τα 65 χρόνια ζωής, ο Robert De Niro μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ως ένας από τους πλέον πολύπλευρους και χαρισματικούς ηθοποιούς τις γενιάς του, με πολλά σχέδια μπροστά του. Ένας ηθοποιός που δεν μπορούμε να φανταστούμε ποτέ σε σύνταξη.


Shelley Winters


Whitney Houston


Sheryl Lee Ralph


Tatiana Thumbtzen


Carole Mallory


Cindy Crawford


Leigh Taylor-Young


                                   Diahnne Abbott 

  1. Untitled Good Shepherd Sequel (????) (announced) [producer] [Director]
  2. 20% Fiction (2013) (pre-production) [executive producer]
  3. The Silver Linings Playbook (2013) (pre-production) [Actor]
  4. The Wedding (2012) (post-production) [Actor .... Don Griffin]
    ... aka "The Big Wedding" - International (English title) (imdb display title)
  5. Freelancers (2012) (post-production) [Actor .... Vic Sarcone]
  6. Red Lights (2012) (post-production) [Actor .... Simon Silver]
  7. New Year's Eve (2011) (post-production) [Actor .... Harry]
  8. Another Bullshit Night in Suck City (2012) (completed) [Actor .... Jonathan]
  9. Killer Elite (2011) [Actor .... Hunter]
  10. 9/11: 10 Years Later (2011) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Host]
  11. Guys Choice Awards 2011 (2011) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Presenter]
  12. "Le grand journal de Canal+: Episode dated 26 May 2011" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  13. "Le grand journal de Canal+: Episode dated 11 May 2011" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  14. "The Charlie Rose Show: Episode dated 26 April 2011" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Guest]
  15. "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Episode #1.411" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  16. Apolyti efyia (2011) [Actor .... Carl Van Loon]
    ... aka "Limitless" - USA (original title)
  17. Oi epohes tou erota (2011) [Actor .... Adrian]
    ... aka "Manuale d'am3re" - Italy (original title)
  18. "Cinema 3: Episode dated 12 February 2011" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  19. "30 Rock: Operation Righteous Cowboy Lightning (#5.12)" (2011) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  20. The 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2011) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Winner: Cecil B. DeMille Award]
  21. Corman's World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (2011) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "O kosmos tou Corman" - Greece (festival title)
  22. Little Spain (2011) [very special thanks]
  23. Marty & Bobby (2011) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  24. "The 2-2" (2011) TV series [executive producer]
  25. "The 7PM Project: Episode #1.358" (2010) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  26. Goneis tis symforas (2010) [Actor .... Jack Byrnes] [producer]
    ... aka "Little Fockers" - USA (original title)
  27. "Late Show with David Letterman: Episode #18.59" (2010) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  28. "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee: Episode dated 17 December 2010" (2010) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  29. "Saturday Night Live: Robert De Niro/Diddy-Dirty Money (#36.8)" (2010) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Host / Various]
  30. Stone (2010) [Actor .... Jack Mabry]
    ... aka "Doloma genous thilykou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  31. Machete (2010) [Actor .... Senator John McLaughlin]
  32. "P.O.V.: The Beaches of Agnes (#23.3)" (2010) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  33. An American Salute: The Pops at 125 (2010) (TV) [Actor .... Narrator]
  34. Guys Choice (2010) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  35. Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief (2010) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  36. The 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2010) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Presenter: Cecil B. DeMille Award]
    ... aka "I 67i teleti aponomis ton vraveion Hrysis Sfairas" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  37. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2009) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  38. "Cinema 3: Episode dated 12 December 2009" (2009) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  39. Everybody's Fine (2009) [Actor .... Frank Goode]
    ... aka "Einai oloi tous kala" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  40. "Entertainment Tonight: Episode dated 27 October 2009" (2009) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  41. "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Episode #1.100" (2009) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] (uncredited)
  42. Public Enemies (2009) [executive producer] (uncredited)
    ... aka "Dimosios kindynos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)

  43. "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Episode #1.1" (2009) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  44. The 81st Annual Academy Awards (2009) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Actor in a Leading Role]
    ... aka "81i teleti aponomis ton vraveion Oscar - Live" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  45. I Knew It Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale (2009) [Actor .... Himself]
  46. The Investigation: In-Depth Look at Righteous Kill (2009) (V) [Self]
  47. "Biography: Robert De Niro" (2009) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  48. Streisand: Live in Concert (2009) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Audience] (uncredited)
  49. "The Charlie Rose Show: Episode dated 13 October 2008" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Guest]
  50. "The Daily Show: Robert De Niro (#13.129)" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  51. "Film '72: Episode dated 23 September 2008" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  52. "Entertainment Tonight: Episode dated 12 September 2008" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  53. "Late Show with David Letterman: Episode #16.8" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Top Ten List Presenter] (as Robert DeNiro)
  54. Righteous Kill (2008) [Actor .... Turk]
    ... aka "Ou fonefseis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  55. "Sunday Morning Shootout: Tribeca Film Festival (#5.26)" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  56. Trucker (2008) [special thanks]
    ... aka "O dromos tis epistrofis" - Greece (DVD title)

  57. Erika Rabau: Puck of Berlin (2008) [Actor .... Himself]
  58. Goldene Kamera (2008) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  59. "Extra: Episode dated 21 January 2008" (2008) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  60. What Just Happened (2008) [Actor .... Ben] [producer]
    ... aka "What Just Happened?" - USA (informal title)
    ... aka "Koita ti egine" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  61. The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2007) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "The 30th Annual Kennedy Center Honors" - USA (series title)
  62. Mark Twain Prize: Billy Crystal (2007) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  63. The Doorman (2007) [grateful thanks]
  64. Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project (2007) [Actor .... Himself]
  65. Influence and Appreciation: Taxi Driver (2007) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "Influence and Appreciation" - USA (imdb display title)
    ... aka "Influence and Appreciation: A Martin Scorsese Tribute" - USA (imdb display title)
  66. "Entertainment Tonight: Episode dated 10 August 2007" (2007) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  67. Stardust (2007) [Actor .... Captain Shakespeare]
    ... aka "Asteroskoni" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)

  68. "Larry King Live: Angelina Jolie" (2007) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  69. Le Cirque: A Table in Heaven (2007) [Actor .... Himself]
  70. De Niro: A Self Portrait (2007) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  71. "Late Show with David Letterman: Episode dated 14 February 2007" (2007) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Guest]
  72. "Corazón de...: Episode dated 13 February 2007" (2007) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  73. Man in the Chair (2007) [grateful acknowledgment]
  74. "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee: Episode dated 22 December 2006" (2006) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  75. "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: Episode dated 19 December 2006" (2006) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  76. "The Charlie Rose Show: Episode dated 18 December 2006" (2006) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Guest]
  77. The Good Shepherd (2006) [Actor .... Bill Sullivan] [producer] [Director]
    ... aka "O kathodigitis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  78. "HBO First Look: The Good Shepherd (#13.22)" (2006) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  79. Arthur et les Minimoys (2006) [Actor .... King] (voice: English version)
    ... aka "Arthur and the Invisibles" - Philippines (English title), USA
    ... aka "Arthur and the Minimoys" - Hong Kong (English title)
    ... aka "O Arthur kai oi Minimoy" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  80. We Are Together (Thina Simunye) (2006) [thanks]
    ... aka "Eimaste mazi (Thina Simunye)" - Greece (festival title)
  81. Tony Bennett: An American Classic (2006) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Speaker]
  82. "Extras: Jonathan Ross (#2.6)" (2006) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  83. Tribeca Film Festival Presents: Live from the Red Carpet (2006) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  84. Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2006) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  85. Kill Gil, Volume 2 (2006) [Actor .... Himself]
  86. No Day But Today: The Story of 'Rent' (2006) (V) [special thanks]
  87. Rent (2005) [producer]
  88. Casino: After the Filming (2005) (V) [special thanks]
  89. Casino: The Cast and Characters (2005) (V) [Actor .... Himself] [special thanks]
  90. Casino: The Look (2005) (V) [special thanks]
  91. Casino: The Story (2005) (V) [special thanks]
  92. Star Fish of 'Shark Tale' (2005) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  93. "Good Day Live: Episode dated 27 January 2005" (2005) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  94. Hide and Seek (2005) [Actor .... David Callaway]
    ... aka "To kryfto" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  95. Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) (TV) [Actor .... Himself] (as Robert DeNiro)
  96. The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004) [Actor .... Archbishop of Peru]
    ... aka "To mystiko tis gefyras" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  97. "Saturday Night Live: Robert De Niro/Destiny's Child (#30.8)" (2004) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Host]
  98. Meet the Fockers (2004) [Actor .... Jack Byrnes] [producer]
    ... aka "Petherika tis symforas" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)

  99. Getting Made: The Making of 'GoodFellas' (2004) (V) [special thanks]
    ... aka "Getting Made" - International (English title) (short title)
  100. Shark Tale: Gettin' Fishy with It (2004) (TV) [Actor .... Himself] (voice)
  101. "Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway: Episode #4.1" (2004) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  102. "GMTV: Episode dated 13 September 2004" (2004) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  103. Shark Tale (2004) [Actor .... Don Lino] (voice)
    ... aka "Karhario-mahos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  104. AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Meryl Streep (2004) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  105. Stage Beauty (2004) [producer]
    ... aka "To oraio fylo" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  106. Godsend (2004) [Actor .... Richard Wells]
    ... aka "Theostaltos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  107. "HBO First Look: 'Shark Tale': Gettin' Fishy with It (#11.19)" (2004) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  108. Tribeca Film Festival Awards (2004) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Presenter]
  109. "Tinseltown TV: Episode dated 25 October 2003" (2003) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  110. Hans Hofmann: Artist/Teacher, Teacher/Artist (2003) (TV) [Actor .... Narrator]
  111. Tribeca Film Festival Presents (2003) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  112. AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Robert De Niro (2003) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  113. "Kela on the Karpet" (2003) TV mini-series [Actor .... Himself]
  114. "Filmland: Episode #1.11" (2003) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  115. "God kveld Norge: Episode dated 3 May 2003" (2003) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  116. "Richard & Judy: Episode dated 21 February 2003" (2003) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  117. "Cartaz Cultural" (2003) TV series [Actor .... Himself]
  118. "Comedy Central Canned Ham: Analyze That" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  119. "HBO First Look: The Making of 'Analyze That' (#9.23)" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  120. "Saturday Night Live: Robert De Niro/Norah Jones (#28.7)" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself - Host]
  121. Analyze That (2002) [Actor .... Paul Vitti]
    ... aka "Xana analyse to" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  122. City by the Sea (2002) [Actor .... Vincent LaMarca]
    ... aka "The Suspect" - Philippines (English title)
    ... aka "To simadi tou dolofonou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  123. Jackie Brown: How It Went Down (2002) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  124. "Leute heute: Episode dated 13 May 2002" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  125. About a Boy (2002) [producer]
    ... aka "Gia ena agori" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  126. "Rank: 25 Toughest Stars" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  127. "HBO First Look: The Making of 'Showtime' (#9.4)" (2002) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  128. Showtime (2002) [Actor .... Det. Mitch Preston]
  129. 9/11 (2002) (TV) [Actor .... Himself/Host in TV Broadcast]
  130. Making 'The Score' (2001) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  131. The Concert for New York City (2001) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  132. America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  133. The Making of 'Cape Fear' (2001) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  134. The Score (2001) [Actor .... Nick Wells]

  135. Prison Song (2001) [producer]
  136. 15 Minutes (2001) [Actor .... Detective Eddie Flemming]
    ... aka "15 lepta" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title

  137. Spotlight on Location: Meet the Parents (2001) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  138. Holiday Heart (2000) (TV) [executive producer] (as Robert DeNiro)
  139. "HBO First Look: The Making of 'Men of Honor'" (2000) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  140. "Saturday Night Live: Dana Carvey/The Wallflowers (#26.3)" (2000) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] (uncredited)
  141. Meet the Parents (2000) [Actor .... Jack Byrnes] [producer]
    ... aka "Gabros tis symforas" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  142. Premio Donostia a Robert De Niro (2000) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Honoree]
  143. Men of Honor (2000) [Actor .... Master Chief Billy Sunday]
    ... aka "Kodikas timis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  144. Pollock (2000) [special thanks: Tribeca Productions] (as Robert DeNiro)
    ... aka "Pollock, o asymvivastos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  145. The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle (2000) [Actor .... Fearless Leader] [producer]
    ... aka "Treles peripeteies sti Loxolandi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
    ... aka "Treles peripeteies ton Rocky & Bullwinkle" - Greece (DVD title)
  146. "The Rosie O'Donnell Show: Episode dated 21 June 2000" (2000) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  147. 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) (TV) [Actor .... Presenter]
  148. MTV Video Music Awards 2000 (2000) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  149. The 57th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2000) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical]
  150. Flawless (1999) [Actor .... Walt Koontz] [producer] (uncredited)
    ... aka "Kaneis den einai... teleia" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  151. "Mundo VIP: Show nº163 (#4.26)" (1999) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  152. Making 'Taxi Driver' (1999) (V) [Actor .... Himself - 'Travis Bickle'] (also archive footage) [special thanks]
  153. "Magacine: Episode dated 1 May 1999" (1999) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  154. Entropy (1999/I) [producer]
    ... aka "Entropia" - Greece (DVD title)
  155. The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Co-presenter: Honorary Award to Elia Kazan]
  156. Analyze This (1999) [Actor .... Paul Vitti]
    ... aka "Analyse to" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  157. "The Rosie O'Donnell Show: Episode dated 9 February 1999" (1999) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  158. "Nyhetsmorgon: Filmen 'Ronin' (#12.7)" (1999) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  159. Hollywood Salutes Jodie Foster: An American Cinematheque Tribute (1999) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  160. "Inside the Actors Studio: Robert De Niro (#5.2)" (1998) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  161. Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth (1998) [Actor .... Himself/Narrator] (voice)
  162. Junket Whore (1998) [Actor .... Himself]
  163. "Bravo Profiles: The Entertainment Business" (1998) TV mini-series [Actor .... Himself]
  164. Leonardo DiCaprio: A Life in Progress (1998) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "Leonardo DiCaprio: I zoi enos superstar" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  165. Ronin (1998) [Actor .... Sam]
  166. Comic Relief VIII (1998) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  167. Witness to the Mob (1998) (TV) [executive producer]
    ... aka "Katadotis tis mafias" - Greece (video title)
  168. "Mundo VIP: Show nº98 (#3.13)" (1998) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  169. The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  170. Great Expectations (1998) [Actor .... Prisoner/Lustig]
    ... aka "Megales prosdokies" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  171. Snitch (1998) [special thanks] (as Robert DeNiro)
    ... aka "Noose" - Australia (DVD title), USA (working title)
    ... aka "Monument Ave." - USA (new title)
    ... aka "Hamena kormia" - Greece (video title)
  172. New York City... Come Visit the World (1998) [Actor .... Himself]
  173. Jackie Brown (1997) [Actor .... Louis Gara]
  174. Wag the Dog (1997) [Actor .... Conrad Brean] [producer]
    ... aka "O proedros, ena roz skandalo ki enas polemos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  175. Cop Land (1997) [Actor .... Moe Tilden]
  176. The American Film Institute Salute to Martin Scorsese (1997) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Martin Scorsese" - USA (new title)
  177. "Saturday Night Live: Rob Lowe/Spice Girls (#22.17)" (1997) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] (uncredited)
  178. Marvin's Room (1996) [Actor .... Dr. Wally] [producer]
    ... aka "Stagones agapis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  179. Sleepers (1996) [Actor .... Father Bobby]
  180. The Fan (1996) [Actor .... Gil Renard]
    ... aka "Fanatikos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  181. Faithful (1996) [producer]
    ... aka "Apisties" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  182. "Primer plano: Episode dated 13 January 1996" (1996) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  183. 100 Years of Horror: Frankenstein's Friends (1996) (V) [Actor .... Himself - Actor, 'Mary Shelley's Frankenstein']
  184. 100 Years of Horror: The Frankenstein Family (1996) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  185. 100 Years of Horror: Witchcraft and Demons (1996) (V) [Actor .... Himself]
  186. 9 (1996) (VG) [executive producer]
  187. Heat (1995) [Actor .... Neil McCauley]
    ... aka "Entasi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  188. "ABC News Nightline: A Man Called Sinatra" (1995) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  189. Casino (1995) [Actor .... Sam 'Ace' Rothstein]
  190. Panther (1995/I) [producer] (uncredited)
  191. The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Picture]
  192. "Nyhetsmorgon: Episode #8.44" (1995) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  193. Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma (1995) [Actor .... Le mari de la star-fantasme en croisière]
  194. Frankenstein (1994) [Actor .... The Creature] [associate producer]
    ... aka "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" - USA (complete title)
    ... aka "Frankenstein tis Mary Shelley" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  195. It's Alive: The True Story of Frankenstein (1994) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  196. "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: Episode dated 22 September 1993" (1993) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  197. "The Chevy Chase Show: Episode #1.9" (1993) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  198. A Bronx Tale (1993) [Actor .... Lorenzo Anello] [producer] [Director]
    ... aka "Istories tou Bronx" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  199. Apollo Theatre Hall of Fame (1993) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  200. Aretha Franklin: Duets (1993) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  201. The Night We Never Met (1993) [producer] (uncredited)
    ... aka "Tin nyhta pou den synantithikame" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  202. This Boy's Life (1993) [Actor .... Dwight Hansen]
    ... aka "Agefyrotes sheseis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  203. "Tribeca" (1993) TV series [executive producer]
  204. Mad Dog and Glory (1993) [Actor .... Wayne 'Mad Dog' Dobie]
    ... aka "Mad Dog kai Gloria" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  205. Night and the City (1992) [Actor .... Harry Fabian]
    ... aka "I nyhta & i poli" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  206. "Saturday Night Live: Joe Pesci/Spin Doctors (#18.3)" (1992) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself] (uncredited)
  207. "Double jeu: Episode dated 2 June 1992" (1992) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  208. Mistress (1992) [Actor .... Evan M. Wright] [producer]
    ... aka "Hollywood Mistress" - USA (alternative title)
  209. Thunderheart (1992) [producer]
    ... aka "I kardia tou keravnou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  210. Cape Fear (1991) [Actor .... Max Cady] [producer] (uncredited)
    ... aka "To akrotiri tou fovou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  211. "Gran premio internazionale della TV: 8th Edition" (1991) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  212. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) [Actor .... Himself]
  213. Backdraft (1991) [Actor .... Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale]
    ... aka "Kymata fotias" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  214. "Wogan: Episode dated 20 May 1991" (1991) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  215. The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: 'Dances with wolves' Film Clip]
  216. Guilty by Suspicion (1991) [Actor .... David Merrill]
    ... aka "Enohos horis apodeixeis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  217. Awakenings (1990) [Actor .... Leonard Lowe]
    ... aka "Xypnimata" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  218. "Cinéma cinémas: De Niro - Un après-midi de chien" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  219. "Today: Episode dated 20 September 1990" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  220. Goodfellas (1990) [Actor .... James Conway]
    ... aka "GoodFellas" - USA (poster title)
    ... aka "Ta kala paidia" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
    Next US airings:
    Sat. Sept. 175:00 PMAMC
    Sun. Sept. 1811:00 AMAMC
  221. "American Masters: Martin Scorsese Directs (#5.3)" (1990) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  222. The Godfather Family: A Look Inside (1990) (TV) [Actor .... Himself] (as Robert DeNiro) [thanks] (as Robert DeNiro)
  223. The 62nd Annual Academy Awards (1990) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Co-presenter: Best Director]
  224. Hollywood Mavericks (1990) [Actor .... Himself]
  225. "Today: Robert De Niro" (1990) TV Episode [Self]
  226. Stanley & Iris (1989) [Actor .... Stanley Everett Cox]
    ... aka "Stanley kai Iris" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  227. We're No Angels (1989) [Actor .... Ned] [executive producer]
    ... aka "Den eimaste angeloi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  228. Jacknife (1989) [Actor .... Joseph 'Jacknife' Megessey]
  229. "The Arsenio Hall Show: Episode #1.11" (1989) TV Episode [Self]
  230. Midnight Run (1988) [Actor .... Jack Walsh]
    ... aka "O dioktis tou mesonyhtiou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  231. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (1987) (TV) [Actor .... Great sewer] (voice)
  232. The Untouchables (1987) [Actor .... Al Capone]
    ... aka "Oi adiafthoroi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)

  233. Angel Heart (1987) [Actor .... Louis Cyphre]
    ... aka "Daimonismenos angelos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  234. The Mission (1986) [Actor .... Rodrigo Mendoza]
    ... aka "I apostoli" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  235. Night of 100 Stars II (1985) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  236. Brazil (1985) [Actor .... Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle]
  237. Falling in Love (1984) [Actor .... Frank Raftis]
    ... aka "Mia agapi gennietai" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  238. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) [Actor .... David 'Noodles' Aaronson]
    ... aka "Kapote stin Ameriki" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  239. The King of Comedy (1983) [Actor .... Rupert Pupkin]
    ... aka "Vasilias gia mia nyhta" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  240. Elia Kazan Outsider (1982) [Actor .... Himself]
    ... aka "Elia Kazan: An Outsider" - USA
  241. Night of 100 Stars (1982) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  242. "Arena: A Pretty British Affair" (1981) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  243. True Confessions (1981) [Actor .... Father Des Spellacy] (as Robert DeNiro)
    ... aka "Kaftes martyries" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  244. The 53rd Annual Academy Awards (1981) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role]
  245. The 38th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1981) (TV) [Actor .... Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Motion Picture [Drama]]
  246. Raging Bull (1980) [Actor .... Jake La Motta]
    ... aka "Orgismeno eidolo" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  247. The Deer Hunter (1978) [Actor .... Michael]
    ... aka "O elafokynigos" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  248. "The Godfather: A Novel for Television: Episode #1.4" (1977) TV Episode [Actor .... Young Vito Corleone]
  249. "The Godfather: A Novel for Television: Episode #1.3" (1977) TV Episode [Actor .... Young Vito Corleone]
  250. "The Godfather: A Novel for Television: Episode #1.2" (1977) TV Episode [Actor .... Young Vito Corleone]
  251. "The Godfather: A Novel for Television: Episode #1.1" (1977) TV Episode [Actor .... Young Vito Corleone]
  252. "The Mike Douglas Show: Episode dated 22 July 1977" (1977) TV Episode [Actor .... Himself]
  253. New York, New York (1977) [Actor .... Jimmy Doyle]
    ... aka "Nea Yorki, Nea Yorki" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  254. The American Film Institute Salute to Bette Davis (1977) (TV) [Actor .... Himself] (uncredited)
    ... aka "AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Bette Davis" - USA (new title)
  255. The Last Tycoon (1976) [Actor .... Monroe Stahr]
    ... aka "O teleftaios ton megistanon" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  256. 1900 (1976) [Actor .... Alfredo Berlinghieri]
    ... aka "Novecento" - Italy (original title)
  257. Bertolucci secondo il cinema (1976) (TV) [Actor .... Himself]
  258. Taxi Driver (1976) [Actor .... Travis Bickle] (as Robert DeNiro)
    ... aka "O taxitzis" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
    Next US airings:
    Sun. Sept. 183:30 AMAMC
  259. The Godfather: Part II (1974) [Actor .... Vito Corleone] (as Robert DeNiro)
    ... aka "Mario Puzo's The Godfather: Part II" - USA (complete title)
    ... aka "O nonos, meros 2o" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  260. Mean Streets (1973) [Actor .... Johnny Boy]
    ... aka "Kakofimoi dromoi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  261. Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) [Actor .... Bruce Pearson]
  262. The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (1971) [Actor .... Mario]
    ... aka "I symmoria ton psyhron dolofonon" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  263. Born to Win (1971) [Actor .... Danny] (as Robert DeNiro)
  264. Jennifer on My Mind (1971) [Actor .... Mardigian]
    ... aka "Jennifer agapi mou" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  265. Hi, Mom! (1970) [Actor .... Jon Rubin]
    ... aka "Geia sou mama... Ameriki!" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  266. Bloody Mama (1970) [Actor .... Lloyd Barker]
    ... aka "Oi 4 adelfoi dolofonoi" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
    ... aka "Oi bastardoi" - Greece (reissue title)
  267. The Wedding Party (1969) [Actor .... Cecil] (as Robert Denero)
    ... aka "Topo sta neiata" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
  268. Sam's Song (1969) [Actor .... Sam Nicoletti]
  269. Greetings (1968) [Actor .... Jon Rubin]
  270. Trois chambres à Manhattan (1965) [Actor .... Client at the diner] (uncredited)
    ... aka "Three Rooms in Manhattan" - International (English title)
    ... aka "Tria domatia sto Manhattan" - Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)

  1. "Inside the Actors Studio"
        - Bradley Cooper (2011) TV episode .... Himself
  2. "Edición Especial Coleccionista"
        - Especial Navidad (2010) TV episode (uncredited) .... Paul Vitti
  3. Espías en Hollywood (2010) (TV) .... Himself
  4. SNL Presents: A Very Gilly Christmas (2009) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  5. Los mejores momentos de 'Sé lo que hicisteis' (2009) (V) .... Himself
  6. "Filmania: Eiga no tatsujin"
        - Film Locations in NYC (2009) TV episode
  7. Premio Donostia a Meryl Streep (2008) (TV) .... Michael/Frank Raftis
  8. Ceremonia de inauguración - 56º festival internacional de cine de San Sebastián (2008) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  9. Les plages d'Agnès (2008) .... Himself
  10. Strictly Courtroom (2008) (TV) (uncredited) .... Max Cady
  11. "5 Second Movies"
        - Goodfellas (2008) TV episode .... Jimmy Conway
  12. "The O'Reilly Factor"
        - Episode dated 8 February 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Himself
  13. Forbes 20 Under 25: Young, Rich and Famous (2007) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  14. "Quelli che... il calcio"
        - Episode #14.39 (2007) TV episode .... Himself
  15. "Secrets of New York"
        - Tribeca: Mysteries of New York's Backlot Revealed (2007) TV episode .... Himself
  16. Ein Leben wie im Flug (2007) (TV) .... Himself
  17. The 16th Annual Gotham Awards (2006) (TV) .... Himself
  18. Premio Donostia a Matt Dillon (2006) (TV) .... Himself
  19. Premio Donostia a Max Von Sydow (2006) (TV) .... Himself
  20. La Marató 2005 (2005) (TV) .... Leonard Lowe
  21. Bullets Over Hollywood (2005) (TV)
  22. El oficio de actor (2005) (TV) .... Travis Bickle
  23. "Cinema mil"
        - Episode #1.11 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode #1.6 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode #1.2 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
  24. Premio Donostia a Willem Dafoe (2005) (TV) .... Himself
  25. "Biography"
        - Child Stars II: Growing Up Hollywood (2005) TV episode .... Travis Bickle/David Callaway
  26. The Making of 'Heat' (2005) (V) .... Himself
  27. Pacino and DeNiro: The Conversation (2005) (V) .... Himself
  28. Saturday Night Live: The Best of Jimmy Fallon (2005) (V) (uncredited) .... Himself
  29. "I Love the '90s: Part Deux" (2005)
  30. Getting Made: The Making of 'GoodFellas' (2004) (V) .... Himself - 'Jimmy Conway'
  31. 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004) (TV) .... Himself
  32. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) (uncredited) .... Himself
  33. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (2003)
  34. Saturday Night Live Christmas 2002 (2002) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  35. I sogni nel mirino (2002) .... Himself
  36. Hello, He Lied & Other Truths from the Hollywood Trenches (2002) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  37. Gordon Willis on Cinematography (2001) (V) (uncredited) .... Young Vito Corleone
  38. "I Love 1990's"
        - I Love 1990 (2001) TV episode .... Jimmy Conway
  39. Ausverkauft! (1999) .... Himself
  40. "The Directors"
        - The Films of Terry Gilliam (????) TV episode (uncredited) .... Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle
  41. Sharon Stone - Una mujer de 100 caras (1998) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  42. ... y otras mujeres de armas tomar (1998) (TV) .... Himself
  43. Femmes Fatales: Sharon Stone (1998) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
  44. Venice Report (1997) (TV) .... Lt. Moe Tilden
  45. Ennio Morricone (1995) (TV)
  46. "Fame in the Twentieth Century" (1993) (uncredited) .... Himself
  47. The 64th Annual Academy Awards (1992) (TV) .... Max Cady
  48. The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 (1992) (V) .... Young Vito Corleone
  49. The Siskel & Ebert 500th Anniversary Special (1989) (TV) .... Himself - 'Raging Bull'
  50. Stella Adler: Awake and Dream! (1989) (TV) .... Himself
  51. The 59th Annual Academy Awards (1987) (TV) (uncredited) .... Rodrigo Mendoza
  52. Terror in the Aisles (1984) .... (segment "The Deer Hunter")
  53. The Swap (1979) .... Sam Nicoletti (1969 scenes)
  54. Miris poljskog cveca (1977) .... Himself
  55. America at the Movies (1976) .... Himself

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